Our emotions influence the way we act, react and respond at work. Emotional Intelligence (also referred to as EI and EQ) is the ability to recognize our behaviors, moods, and impulses, and manage them in an effective way so that we can lead and communicate successfully, empathize with others, manage stress, overcome challenging situations and defuse conflict.
A common belief is that you either ‘have’ emotional intelligence or you don’t. This is untrue. Emotional intelligence is a skill. And like any other skill, you can develop it - with instruction, training and practice…which you get in this course. We provide you the opportunity to cultivate self-awareness, develop the skills to read the style of individuals and adjust your communications accordingly.
This course is a necessity for anyone who leads or works with other people. We focus on the four core components of emotional intelligence: self regard, regard for others, empathy and self-awareness.
What You’ll Learn:
Define and Identify the benefits of Emotional Intelligence
Learn the four core skills required to practice emotional intelligence: self regard, regard for others, empathy and self-awareness
Successfully communicate with others verbally and non-verbally
Decode and manage your emotions
Master tools to regulate and gain control of your own emotions
Articulate your emotions using effective language
Balance your optimism and pessimism
Effectively impact the people you interact with
Immediately implement the concepts and techniques in your workplace
Accompanying Free Psychological Assessment!
Multi-Dimensional Emotional Intelligence Quotient
This EI assessment offers detailed results on over 30 traits and skills that make up emotional intelligence. EI is defined as the ability to deal with one’s own and other people’s emotions.
The assessment provides detailed results on the following Factors and Scales:
Overall Score plus 4 factors, divided into 20 scales:
Emotional Identification, Perception, and Expression: Ability to characterize emotions in oneself and in others
Emotional Facilitation of Thought: Ability/Willingness to use feelings constructively; to let them guide you
Emotional Understanding: Ability to understand and analyze emotions, and solve emotional problems
Emotional Management: Ability to take responsibility for one’s emotions
Moderating Emotional Intelligence Factors: Factors that play a role in the way emotions are perceived, understood, expressed, and managed
Here is another of our awareness building assessment, which helps you in your ability to influence your boss, colleagues, situations and outcomes at work. The assessment’s resulting insight, coupled with the strategies and techniques provided in the course provide the perfect compliment to advancing your ability to “Develop Your Emotional Intelligence at Work.”
Course Curriculum